Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas and other changes

Things have been busy here! We had a great week off in Green Bay for Thanksgiving. The girls spent two days with Grandma and Grandpa while Derek and I went up to Door County for some time together. We did childless things like staying up late watching Jon Stewart, eating in a bar where people were smoking on the other side of the room, and seeing the new James Bond movie (I thought it was awesome.) Door County must be much prettier in the summertime, though - it was very cold, grey, wet and empty. Elly has named Grandpa Dave "Baba," for some unknown reason (though it is also her word for banana - connection?). He is quite proud of this sobriquet!

Then, we prepared and had Thanksgiving with Derek's extended family, who were impressed by how much energy our girls have. They were running around the couch with a cousin, first chasing, then chasing by hopping like frogs (though Elly only waved her arms so she could move more quickly), etc. etc.

We got home late Saturday night and sprung into action unpacking, cleaning, and then refilling the house with Christmas stuff. There's a fresh white pine in the living room (sustainably grown), with the straw ornaments mostly on the lower branches, a lit garland on the banister, and Santas and carolers everywhere. Mer really enjoyed decorating with me.

In other news, Derek has secured a new job - the plan is that he'll work three days a week at an area theater as their finance guy. It sounds like a cool job. He hasn't started yet; we're working on finding daycare for Elly and getting ready for this adjustment.

And, I can't believe it's only three weeks to Christmas! I don't know how it sneaks up on me, what with the stores starting the Christmas displays on November 1, but it does. I don't feel ready at all.



Anonymous said...

We love reading your postings (we get them on email). We're planning on a trip to the Midwest this summer and hope to see you! (Jen & Chris)

Anonymous said...

Congrats Derek on landing that job! I'm glad it worked out for you! :)Laura (and Dan)