Monday, November 17, 2008

Elly combines words!

UPDATE: Pictures!

Big news - Elly's language developments took a big jump forward on Friday and this weekend! Previously she used lots of single words and a few signs, and would occasionally combine the sign for "more" with the word for the food she wanted. She also said a lot of things that we couldn't decipher.

But on Friday, she asked me for "more fish" [for goldfish crackers]! I was so excited that she did it about 15 more times. Since then, she's identified coffee as "Dada drink," asked repeatedly for "more juice," referred to our whole family as "Mama Dada Mdith" and my favorite, called Sadie's collar as "Sadie go walk?" She also slept much of the last part of the trip to my grandparents,' who I call Oma and Papa, and when we woke her at their house she asked me "Oma Papa?"I was so proud of her for listening and remembering where we were going! Mer was really excited, and that set the tone for Elly.

She had a lot to say this weekend - I think Oma and Aunt Jody were a bit taken aback. She has a lot of catching up to her big sister, though! More seriously, though, they were such sweet and friendly girls with Oma and Papa and Jody and Dan. They had a lot of energy, but also patience for all our grownup conversation and care for Oma's many breakable things. I'm so proud of both of them.


1 comment:

? said...

when i was a baby, we had a springer spaniel named moses. my mom says my first sentence was "moses outside on porch"--which doesn't seem to have a verb, but close enough, i guess. :) glad to see you guys doing well with little ones. much love and happy holidays,