Friday, February 22, 2008

Careful with baby

Meredith's pre-kindergarten teacher is expecting a child next month. This has given her class many opportunities to discuss babies. (It also caused Meredith to ask Jen for the first time recently how the baby gets inside the tummy in the first place. The answer was deferred.)

Earlier this week, the children were asked if they had any baby advice for their teacher. Reportedly, Meredith had one piece of important advice: "You have to be very very very very very very very very careful with the baby."

We continue to have to say things like: Get off your sister. Let go of your sister. Don't pull on your sister. Don't wrap your legs around your sister. Don't throw things around your sister. Don't drop things on your sister. Don't wrap your legs around your sister. Be careful! Don't put things in your sister's face. Stop blocking your sister. Don't push your sister. Get your feet off your sister. Don't wrap your legs around your sister. Stop jumping around your sister. Please get your legs off your sister!

With all that repetition, it's nice to hear she's internalizing at least some of it. Now if only we didn't have to say it in the first place.

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