Saturday, April 21, 2007

Backyard fun

There hasn't been much to report in the last few days. Elaine is a growing girl. Her chubby cheeks, chubby legs, and double chin are coming in. We're starting to get into a regular schedule. Elaine likes to sleep during the day and stay up late. At about 10:00 PM every night, she starts crying. Her stomach upsets her a little bit. By 1:00 or 2:00 AM she is ready to go to sleep for the night. Dad takes the first half of the night and mom takes the second half. During the day everyone tries to catch up. So, much of the last few days has involved trying to sleep.

The warmer weather this week has meant more outside time. Meredith spends every possible minute in the backyard in the sandbox or swings. She loves to play with her two friends and in their adjacent yards too. Much of Friday (she stayed home from preschool) was running around pretending with friends. It's at moments like that it is hard to remember that Meredith was once as tiny as her sister Elaine. Time flies.

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