Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Spring is here

Well, we know now that we'll have a spring birth, as we have passed the equinox. Things have been a holding pattern here. What I originally thought was some early spring allergies turned out to be a nasty cold that has completely knocked me down for a few days.

Meredith has continued to be her active self. Some pictures are below. She loves pretending and drawing these days. She has meticulously gone through and colored each page in her dinosaur book. She loves to ask and pretend about the dinosaurs; saying things like, "These two dinosaurs are friends because they both live under water." Other role playing continues. Meredith likes to cook in the kitchen. She serves up pretend dishes to her parents, including a little bowl with the "Nemo fish." It seems unsettling to pretend to cook and eat Nemo, but Meredith is proud to prepare some fish, and her Nemo fish is handy.

Each night before bed--and often first thing in the morning--Meredith plays with her Lego blocks. Every few days you can see her incorporate new design elements. Yesterday, she constructed a very impressive rocket ship. Another recent creation is pictured below.

Meredith working on her kitchen set with her new apron on.

Here Meredith was pretending to plant a garden on the floor. It was by all reports an intricate gardening scheme. You can see me zonked out on the couch in recovery.

A pre-bed Lego creation.

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