Saturday, March 31, 2007

Announcing the new arrival!

We are pleased to announce that Elaine Catherine Reise was born Friday, March 30, at 6:25 PM. She was born at Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Elaine and mother are doing well in their recovery. Elaine was 6 pounds, 15 ounces and 19 3/4 inches long. She was very alert the several hours after her birth and had a lot to say to her parents.

Jen went into her appointment for an induction in the morning, but it appeared that her labor had already begun. After a long ramp up period, the final stage of Jen's labor quickly picked up and ended with a perfect new bundle of joy.

Big sister Meredith was very excited to hear the news and will meet her new sister on Saturday morning. She thought her new sister's name was silly.

We'll post more pictures in the coming days, but here are a couple from her first few hours.

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