Wednesday, May 21, 2008

mid-May musings

Loyal reader, you may have noticed that our blogging has slowed in recent weeks. It's not just your imagination. Here are a number of factors, in no particular order:

1) Some of us have been sick. Off and on. Nothing horrible. And we're feeling better now. But every time one of us is sick it sets us back on everything else, farther and farther into the red.

2) More happily, the weather is nice! Gorgeous, even! And Derek has been consumed with tearing out bushes and sod, planting the garden, scraping long-peeling paint from the garage in the continued quest towards painting the garage, and other outdoor tasks instead of blogging.

3) We had a garage sale last weekend. I don't think I've ever had one - they are a surprising amount of work! And this may be our last, because they are also not economically sensible. We may have made minimum wage. But we did sort through and rid ourselves of a variety of things, which needed to be done. And doing it jointly with our neighbors was fun. We even made T-shirts (yes, as if we were in high school.) And the kids found a toad, which was not caused by the garage sale but which kept them very busy during it. Poor toad.

4) We have had guests. Not a lot - you are also welcome - but Derek's folks came for a long weekend and we've had a couple of friends to dinner. I forget how much I like our friends when we are too busy to call them. And then it's so fun to see them. I wish I could find a better balance there.

So, in a nutshell (or four) that's what we've been up to! Happy Memorial Day to all!


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