Saturday, September 8, 2007

Milestones at 4 yrs and 5 mos, respectively

Just a few updates of what the girls have been up to recently. Elaine recently turned 5 months. (She's growing up!) Meredith's 4th birthday is tomorrow.

Elaine's favorite things:

  • Looking at books and playing with toys. She wriggles and vocalizes enthusiastically!
  • "Talking" to mom, dad, and big sister, and occasionally giggling
  • Grabbing whatever is within reach
Elaine is learning:
  • She can roll from back to stomach one way but is still working on rolling back.
  • She can sit upright without support for several minutes! - before she tumbles in some direction.
  • Recognizing her name (we think) and recognize the hand sign for milk (she excitedly kicks her legs and starts leaning forward for the not-yet visible bottle).
  • Eating more foods. So far she has had rice cereal, bananas, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and pears.
Meredith's favorite things:
  • Playing with friends, including pretending, hide and seek, tag, and watching occasional movies. (Jr. is really into a 1980s Ninja Turtles movie now.)
  • Rock and roll music on the iPod, including the Beach Boys, the White Stripes, and They Might Be Giants.
  • Books of all sorts, including Paddington Bear and about dinosaurs.
  • Helping to cook. She can crack eggs quite ably. Licking the bowl after brownies remains her favorite.
  • Goofing off for her sister's benefit.
Meredith is learning:
  • Spanish at pre-K (she is very excited by it each day).
  • The importance of being gentle with her sister. Some days are better than others.
  • About dinosaurs. They lived really, really, really, really long ago. Even longer ago than when anyone we know was little. Wow. Her favorite is Triceratops, I think on the theory that he eats plants but is still really fierce.
We measured Meredith today and she is about 39 3/4 inches, which is about average we think. She went through a spurt during the summer. My how these kids grow. We don't know Elaine's current weight, but she keeps on growing out of clothes and diapers.

1 comment:

Kayt said...

Reises- I love love love reading your blog! Such fun stories, and I love getting peaks at what we have to look forward to with Soren!