Sunday, June 10, 2007

Truly summer

Wow, 88 degrees feels hot! You forget. We really enjoyed the sunny, warm weekend.

Last night we had several law school friends over to grill; so great to reconnect with people since I'm studying alone for the bar exam (which is July 24 and 25). I continue to take long walks with Elly in order to 1) get her to nap 2) listen to bar exam prep lectures (I have them all on iPod - very convenient, if a little goofy to stop each block and take notes) 3) get some exercise. This morning we walked about 2 miles, and I did an hour of Wills and Trusts. I learned who inherits if there's no will or it names property which the testator no longer possessed. Really thrilling stuff.

At the same time, Derek and Mer took the maiden voyage (for us) on the tagalong bike. Mer was justifiably proud of herself - she balanced great and pedaled almost the whole 2 miles! She also enjoyed telling Grandpa Dave, a huge biker, about her accomplishment, and looks forward to biking with him. Such fun to be so grown up. I took some pictures of them practicing in the back yard before setting out. Thanks again to Tracy, Kit and Elise for sharing the bike with us, and Mom and Dad for bringing it north!

Otherwise, we are doing better. No ear infections, hooray! Elly had her 2-month doctor's appointment last Thursday, and she is growing well (in spite of the continuing acid reflux). She had to get 3 shots, poor girl. She has been smiling at us a lot and trying out a wide variety of sounds. She likes singing, 'raspberry' sounds, and watching me talk on the phone. She now sees a lot farther, so she's starting to enjoy Mer's antics.

Mer continues to love playing with her friends before dinner. Her coloring has recently become much more complex, and is beginning to be representative (e.g. people and rocket ships). She's sweet to her sister, but has a hard time not touching her when she's sleeping, in spite of numerous reminders/orders. We've been making an effort to have Meredith-Mommy time and Meredith-Daddy time almost every day.



Meredith and friend Bella

Elaine is enamored with her little Elephant. She'll stare at it for up to 10-15 minutes, smiling and cooing.

Great Grandparents Len and Lael Bjella stopped by for brunch

Meredith went bowling with her friends Cate and Eleanor. (Meredith got a better score than her mom or dad, though she did have the advantage of the gutter rails.)

Elaine's cheeks are ever-expanding.

Getting ready for Meredith's first ride on a "tag-a-long." We went two miles and she peddled most of the way.

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