Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Elaine and Meredith Milestones

Here's a snapshot of what Elaine and Meredith are up to these days...

Elaine's favorite things (at 3 mos. old):

  • Nursing, but not eating from a bottle
  • Looking at: Everything! Especially faces, fans, pictures, stuffed animals
  • Smiling and"talking": She coos and grunts and loves to get a response
  • Watching her sister's antics
Elaine is learning to:
  • Squirm and scoot (rotating a bit in her crib at night)
  • Go to sleep in her crib by herself (with some protests), and waking up only once at night!
  • Further vocalizations, including a couple proto-laughs
  • Hit or grab with her hands - and she's learning to actually hit things
Meredith's favorite things (3 years and 9 mo old):
  • Pretending to: play-act recent experiences; go on a rocket ship vacation, usually camping or the jungle; play "family" (usually she's an authority figure that tells others what to do)
  • Making up songs for her sister - often they have both elements of songs she knows and newly-created, stream-of-consciousness elements
  • Best friends Savannah, Eloise, and Clara at preschool
  • Conversing about rock and roll songs with Daddy and listening to them on the iPod or YouTube (particularly the Beach Boys, the White Stripes, Queen, and They Might Be Giants).
  • Talk to grandparents on phone, sometimes as a Skype video call
Meredith is learning to:
  • Pump her legs on the swing (tricky: you have to do it more than twice to get results)
  • Be gentle with her sister
  • Plan ahead for the next day's events
  • Peddle on the tag-along bike

Monday, June 25, 2007

Wisconsin Weekend

On Saturday morning, we left town close to on schedule to drive several hours to Madison, Wisconsin for the wedding of our friends Dan and Laura. This was out first little trip with Elaine. Traveling with two girls takes some time. You have to stop because one needs to go potty and then you have to stop because the other is hungry. At no point do the two girls' schedules correspond. Jen continues to prepare for the bar exam, so she listens to law lectures on her iPod during the drive, I listen to music on the radio, and Meredith watches a DVD in the back. It seems so strange to be sitting so close together but all plugged into our own things.

We get to Madison on the late side, ready to get our hotel room and quickly get dressed for the wedding. Running low on gas, we find the hotel, go in, and are told that they have over-booked and didn't have the room that we had recently confirmed with them. We were told that a smaller, smoking room was available and we gave a hearty no thank you. They "generously" told us they wouldn't charge our credit card for a room they didn't give us, when Jen stepped up her negotiating skills and informed them that wouldn't be enough. The hotel made things right by footing the bill at a nicer hotel down the street that did have non-smoking rooms. We rushed there, checked in, got dressed, and back into the car. Meredith and Elaine were pretty well behaved during the chaos.

On the short drive to the wedding, the gas was getting perilously low as we went up large hills and no sign of gas stations. We somehow make it to the wedding without running out of gas. We get seated at the wedding just as it starts. At the reception, Jen investigates gas options and encounters the restaurant owner who simply gives us a couple gallons he has on hand. We no longer need worry of running out of gas after dark on a country road with two tired girls and two tired adults.

The wedding and reception were fabulous and we had a fun time. We get back to the hotel late and get the girls to bed. Before bedtime, Meredith slips off the high bed and nearly cracked open her skull, butt merely bruised it with a relatively softer landing than it could have been. Everyone is a sleep shortly after 11:00. At about 2:00 AM a piercing, high-pitched buzz fills the room. It takes the adults a moment to realize it is a fire alarm. We grab the girls (who are mostly sleeping through this 120 decibel assault), the room keys, and go down the three flights of stairs and spend the next half-hour outside holding the tired, cold girls. Thankfully, despite our fears, everyone gets back to sleep relatively quickly.

The next morning Meredith went swimming with her mom and we packed up. On the way out of the hotel room, I slam my ankle into the hard corner on the bed and have to sit on the floor with ice for a bit before being able to hobble away. Running a little late, we are able to visit my Aunt Connie and Uncle Gary on the other side of town and have a nice lunch with them. Back on the road, this time we go a little faster with the advantage of tired girls who want to sleep much of the time. Of course, tired also means moody when awake. And all four of us were pretty tired.

But we all got home safe. Despite the mini-adventures, we had a fun time in Madison. This was also Elaine's first trip out of state. We'll be headed back to Wisconsin to see family next week and are looking forward to it.

Kid fun!

Kid fun in the sandbox!

Some sort of jump rope game made up on the spot.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Meredith's world

Last Sunday on Father's Day, Meredith presented me with this questionnaire prepared at her preschool. It includes the important biographical information on me everyone should know. (If you have trouble reading, click on the picture to expand it.)

I should make some corrections. I am a little older than 16 now, and my favorite color is not blue, but green. Guac[amole] is probably my favorite food--and she did a good job on most of the questions I would say.

Meredith plays peek-a-boo with her sister

NOTE ON VIEWING VIDEO: These AVI format files should be viewable with most media players, including RealPlayer, Windows Media Player or QuickTime. Click link to the free download page.

Elaine in motion

Meredith films her little sister (May 2007)

Elaine "talks" to her mom (June 2007)

Meredith videos!

Blogger now makes it possible to directly upload videos into the blog. Here are our first such attempts!

Meredith sings a classic rock song. See if you can identify it. (May 2007)

Part 2 of Meredith's musical performance.

Meredith having some cool fun on a hot day with Frank, Jr.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Car seat pics

Elaine spends much of her time in her car seat. It snaps into the stroller. She goes for car rides. Sometimes she'll take a nap in it. Her car seat has some "bling" that she likes to look at. Below are some pictures.

Also, check out this video of Elaine contemplating her hand and her giraffe. She is very focused; only interrupted by a quick sneeze: Elaine Video

Meredith loves to entertain her sister. She's so enthusiastic we have to frequently remind her to be more gentle and not to get completely in Elaine's face.

"Watcha lookin at?"

Elaine loves her giraffe (right).

There is some dispute as to the identity of the creature on the left. (Giraffe or cow?)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Truly summer

Wow, 88 degrees feels hot! You forget. We really enjoyed the sunny, warm weekend.

Last night we had several law school friends over to grill; so great to reconnect with people since I'm studying alone for the bar exam (which is July 24 and 25). I continue to take long walks with Elly in order to 1) get her to nap 2) listen to bar exam prep lectures (I have them all on iPod - very convenient, if a little goofy to stop each block and take notes) 3) get some exercise. This morning we walked about 2 miles, and I did an hour of Wills and Trusts. I learned who inherits if there's no will or it names property which the testator no longer possessed. Really thrilling stuff.

At the same time, Derek and Mer took the maiden voyage (for us) on the tagalong bike. Mer was justifiably proud of herself - she balanced great and pedaled almost the whole 2 miles! She also enjoyed telling Grandpa Dave, a huge biker, about her accomplishment, and looks forward to biking with him. Such fun to be so grown up. I took some pictures of them practicing in the back yard before setting out. Thanks again to Tracy, Kit and Elise for sharing the bike with us, and Mom and Dad for bringing it north!

Otherwise, we are doing better. No ear infections, hooray! Elly had her 2-month doctor's appointment last Thursday, and she is growing well (in spite of the continuing acid reflux). She had to get 3 shots, poor girl. She has been smiling at us a lot and trying out a wide variety of sounds. She likes singing, 'raspberry' sounds, and watching me talk on the phone. She now sees a lot farther, so she's starting to enjoy Mer's antics.

Mer continues to love playing with her friends before dinner. Her coloring has recently become much more complex, and is beginning to be representative (e.g. people and rocket ships). She's sweet to her sister, but has a hard time not touching her when she's sleeping, in spite of numerous reminders/orders. We've been making an effort to have Meredith-Mommy time and Meredith-Daddy time almost every day.



Meredith and friend Bella

Elaine is enamored with her little Elephant. She'll stare at it for up to 10-15 minutes, smiling and cooing.

Great Grandparents Len and Lael Bjella stopped by for brunch

Meredith went bowling with her friends Cate and Eleanor. (Meredith got a better score than her mom or dad, though she did have the advantage of the gutter rails.)

Elaine's cheeks are ever-expanding.

Getting ready for Meredith's first ride on a "tag-a-long." We went two miles and she peddled most of the way.