Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Trees and butterflies

We had a wonderful evening yesterday. The butterflies that Grandma Cathy got Meredith through the mail emerged from their chrysalises and were ready to be let go outside. Meredith gave a tearful goodbye to the butterflies, but was happy to see them flying around the yard an hour or so later. Some promises were made to her regarding future butterflies to help her manage her feelings of loss with the release of her new friends.

We also planted a tree in Elaine's honor last night. When Meredith was born, we planted a Zester apple tree in our front yard for her. It has grown tremendously in the last three odd years. A Cortland apple tree was selected for Elaine and planted about 12 feet from her sister's tree. The little stick of a tree will have to do some catch-up growing the next few years, as we're sure Elaine will undergo herself. Meredith was a good helper in the planting of the tree.

And we can't forget the big news, which is Jen has finished up law school! This three year journey is now all done and will culminate in graduation next week. She'll be able to put juris doctor (J.D.) behind her name. Next up for Jen is to prepare for and take the 2-day bar exam this summer in order to be a practicing attorney in Minnesota. Of course, as a spouse, I have to brag about how wonderful of a job Jen did in law school. She is summa cum laude and is ranked first in her class at graduation. (Oh, and she raised one infant/toddler/preschooler and had another child on the way.) Hooray for law school being done!

About to release the three butterflies.

Elaine was clearly intrigued with the pretty butterflies.

Just a little Cortland apple tree.

The whole family posing in front of the tree (don't miss it!)

Proud grandparents

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