Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Porch: Before and After

We've been in our 100 year-old house for nearly 6 years now. Over the years Jen has voiced that we need to do something with the porch. Apparently using it as storage/overflow isn't doing something.

What did we need to do with the porch? For starters, Jen told me, some decent furniture to sit on. And maybe a carpet to cover the beaten up floorboards.

After a multi-visit Target adventure, we were able to procure some chairs, table, and carpet for 50% - 75% off. After a few frustrating hours of chair construction, the porch was ready to go!

Picture it also with 6 garbage bags full of pillows and stuff from the last (false) lice panic. I put the chair on the curb with a "free!" sign and it was gone within an hour.

A place to relax in the early morning or evening with a drink and book.

Next up: Painting said porch...

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