Tuesday, April 8, 2008

More milestones

Elaine had her first-month checkup yesterday. (Derek brought her, since I am (always) at work, so this is hearsay, but I think we can believe him.) She was only about 25th percentile for height and weight - a proportional little peanut - and the doctor thought her development was right in line. Good news! We think she's pretty great, but doing things in a different order and timing from Meredith. Good to have input from someone who thinks of it as a sample larger than 2.

A snapshot of Elaine at one:

Elaine's favorite things:

  • pulling up on EVERYTHING - the bed, Daddy's pant leg, even the dog.
  • babbling constantly. She's rarely quiet. It's good we don't go to concerts or live in an apartment.
  • including real words in her babbling: fish! dog! all done! ooh! (Pooh, as in Winnie the.) meow! (when she sees a picture fo a cat.) She's saying more than that, but that's all we have gleaned so far. Derek thinks maybe she's speaking French.
  • finding and following her sister and the dog, around and around.
  • grinning at you, hiding her face, then quickly looking back and grinning even wider. It's the cutest thing in the whole world. (And no, I'm not biased at all.)
  • looking at books. Each new page is exciting. She loves both being read to and crawling over, knocking books off the shelf, and crowing with delight to sit and look at them by herself.

Elaine is working on:
  • cruising. She hasn't quite got the idea that she can pull up and then move - we'll see when this happens!
  • more teeth. She has the front four, plus significant bumps on her gums.
  • feeding herself. She doesn't quite have the chewing part and is just not that interested. But she eats a wide variety of pureed foods.
  • making herself understood.


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