Friday, May 18, 2007

Graduation tomorrow

Tomorrow on Saturday, Jen officially graduates from Hamline Law School. I'm very proud of her. It's been a full three years. Jen started law school when Meredith was 11 months old and graduates with Meredith as a sharp and active preschooler and brand new Elaine 7 weeks old at graduation. We've both worked a lot and played a lot the last three years. And now we're on a new chapter.

Earlier in the week, on Wednesday, we went to the law school graduate honors banquet. The whole family came along. It was nice to be able to celebrate Jen's accomplishments, even though I spent a large portion of the event in the back and outside trying to sooth Elaine. We didn't have perfect behavior, but Meredith did pretty well for a girl asked to sit at a boring dinner until 8:00 PM. Meredith was very proud to clap for her mom when they recognized Jen for graduating summa cum laude.

Tomorrow we'll have family members coming in to share the celebration. We'll no doubt take pictures and post them here. Currently it looks like some danger of scattered thunderstorms, so we'll keep our fingers crossed.

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